Category: Year 4

Photo Editing

30th March 2023

What a fun-filled yet busy term we have had in Year 4! We have enjoyed writing both science-fiction and narrative based stories in English based on our books ‘Farther’ and…

Wellbeing Walk

30th March 2023

When it comes to inclusion, neurodiversity refers to a world where neurological differences are recognised and respected as all other human variations. Depending on how our brains are wired we…

Creative Writing

15th December 2022

Year 4 enjoyed reading the story of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. This text inspired our creative writing pieces, with the focus being on building excitement and tension as Charlie…

Glorious Greeks!

15th December 2022

History this term focused on Ancient Greece in Year 4. Following the Primary Knowledge Curriculum the children learned about City States, Athens and Democracy, Sparta, The Persian Wars, Alexander the…