Category: Year 3

Maths fun in the rare Winter sun!

30th March 2023

In Maths this term one of the topics in which we covered was length and perimeter. The topic required the children to learn about different measurements such as millimetres, centimetres…

Star in a Jar class assembly!

30th March 2023

We have had a wonderful term in Year 3! We have enjoyed writing the Wolves in the Walls narrative in English, as well as a non-chronological report on earthquakes. In…

Festive Forest School!

15th December 2022

This term Year 3 enjoyed an afternoon of festive Forest School activities with our friends in Year 4. Using our beautiful Forest School area in school grounds, the children were…

Star in a Jar!

15th December 2022

Our English topic this term has been focusing on the narrative of ‘The Star in the Jar’. Using the Jane Considine unit plans alongside our work, the class have re-written…