Category: Performing Arts

Brabyns’ Collaboration with ‘We Will Rock You Project’

23rd April 2024

Brabyns was buzzing the week of 15-19 April 2024 as @wewillrockyouproject took over the school; incorporating beats and baselines with songs and signing, allowing every single member of the Brabyns…

The Importance and Benefits of Music and Performing Arts Education for Children

25th March 2024

At Brabyns, we hold the belief that all children deserve to study Performing Arts rigorously across their school life. It unites and challenges, expresses the intangible, encourages curiosity and promotes…

Autumn Term Performing Arts

15th December 2022

Throughout our Autumn term, the children have been learning a variety of music skills and terminology through our Performing Arts sessions. We have listened and responded to a variety of…

Specialist Science Teaching in EYFS

15th December 2022

At Brabyns, we have introduced specialised Science teaching into EYFS. The following are a few of the highlights of the term:- Nursery During the first half term the children investigated…