The Playground Commitee

Posted: 30th March 2023

To further develop pupil voice, ensuring a whole-school commitment to listening to the views of all children, whilst encouraging them to grow as confident individuals and effective contributors to society.

The Playground Committee have worked hard this term. The latest meetings saw us come up with a wishlist of equipment ideas and a powerpoint to present to the Parents’ Society.

At home the children researched some ideas of equipment they would like to have and together we came up with a list of toys and games. We then created a powerpoint to share with the Parent Society, which presented the ideas and gave the reasons why we were asking for new items.

The Playground Committee won over the Parents’ Society and they agreed to purchase what we had asked for. The toys and equipment will be given to us after the Easter holidays and as a committee we cannot wait to see them being used, the children learning new games and having exciting and more engaging playtimes.

Thank you once again to the Parents’ Society. We love the power of Pupil Voice.


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